Iceland 1920 (ChrX).
Iceland 1873-01.
Iceland 1901-04.
Frimindeks 2012

Latest update: December 31 2011

Mail to frimindeks.
Iceland 1907-18.

All prices in €.

C = price less than 0,25 €


Iceland 1921-30.
Iceland 1930-33.
Iceland 1930.
Iceland 1938-43.
Iceland 1933-37.
Iceland 1939-43.
Iceland 1944-47.

All rights reserved


Official 1873-1902.
Official 1907-36.
Official  1930.




The first stamps were issued 1873. Until second world war the stamps from Iceland had much in common with stamps from Denmark - watermark, perforation etc. Iceland became an independent Republic in 1944.

The stamps are numbered from 1873- 1918 with cl (classic) from 1920- 1931 with lp (letter press) and from 1931 - 1943 with se (steel engraving). From 1944 all stamps are numbered with the year as the first two figures.

Prices are given for mint, unused and used stamps.

(** = mint, * = unused, o = used).

Please feel free to give any feedback you like, but have patience - the work on the pages of Iceland are still going on.

Skilling 1873

Aur 1875-1902

Prir 1897

Gildi 1902-03

King Chr.IX

2 kings


King Fr. VIII

King Chr.X




Air mail

Alting 1000y.

Air mail 1930

Alting 1000 y.

Zeppelin 1931

Gullfoss 1931

Official 1873

Official 1876

Official 1902

Official 1902

Official 1907

Official 1920